Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Lonely Wanderer

When I was younger, whenever I went traveling with my family or friends, I like to look at some of the solo travelers who has their eyes fixed on a book or phone monitor all the time. They are usually the same: minimum baggage, small or simple cabin items, and an aura of complete independence. Sometimes when I look at them, I wonder where they are coming or going to; what makes them alone in a busy, bustling airport; why they are alone, why they're not with friends or family; what it feels like for them to actually be alone in the middle of a crowded place like an international airport; and more importantly: is it nice, being alone in a flight to a foreign place?

Now, a few years from then, at 24 years old, I no longer have to wonder. Here I am. Right in the shoes of those people for whom I have a lot of questions.

Disclaimer: This opinion is based solely on a solo business travel, not a literal solo traveling for soul searching, fun, adventure, etc. So no, I'm not speaking for every solo travelers out there and yes, traveling solo is still in my bucket list. 

BUT, even though I cannot speak for everyone and all of the following narrative are based on my personal experience, what I want to tell the younger me this:

First of all: It's not what it's all cracked up to be.

I like being on my own; some people might even say I like solitude a bit too much. But to travel alone, regardless of the purpose, is a moment where you are completely face to face with yourself. I don't know about you (well, I know... I was you) but as much as I love myself, there are still some pieces of me that I haven't made peace with, and those pieces can suddenly resurface when I'm alone with my thoughts--case in point: being alone waiting for a plane in an airport where everyone is a stranger; or even in the plane alone itself, when you don't really have that much to do and the fact that the cabin crew spent so much time flying but still manage to have full make up on with 100-watt smile annoys you so much.

Second of all: It's just plain... lonely.

You know that excitement when you find something new in a new place? Like a McDonald's menu that's only available in that country or a certain quirk that's considered a mundane object in that place, but very strange to you. And I know that you're young, so the thought of you traveling alone in an all-expenses paid journey, enjoying the kind of indulgence you otherwise wouldn't spend some money on is just unthinkable....

But spoiler alert: all of that, you're gonna enjoy alone

I know that you're not the kind of person who mind being alone (nor do you think that it's such a bad thing to die alone with cats) but trust me... you'll wish you can share all that excitement with someone else; someone who would understand what it feels, even if they can't actually be there with you.

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