Sunday, January 26, 2020

A New Hope

For all of you who know me personally, you know that I have had a very long 2019. In case you don't, I've endured heartbreak, friendship separation, more sickness than I've ever had to overcome. I've witnessed marriages, childbirths, more professional successes than I expected when the year started. Not that 2019 had been a bad year, but it was definitely tough on me.

I don't know if I come out of it stronger -- I hope I do, but all I know is that I am still exhausted. I started the year crying in the lobby bathroom of a hotel, calling my best friend who was 8 hours ahead of my time zone. I worked my ass off in 2019 -- not because I want to, but more because I had to. To compensate for all that pressure and stress (that causes me many, many trips to the doctor's office), I traveled. I went to Cambodia, Bali, and then spent the last 2 weeks of 2019 in Western Europe, getting swooned by the amazing, beautiful people of Spain, the charm of Paris, and the deliciousness of Italian cuisine. 

Also in 2019, I got diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis -- which is great, because, you know, who doesn't like a chronic illness that will never get away because there hasn't been enough research about this condition?

But in spite of all of the above, I'm still grateful of everything that got me to survive the year. My friends. My kind co-workers. My family. I really thought I couldn't survive 2019, that somehow I'm gonna lose my battle. But I didn't. I made it. Thank you, everyone -- I hope you know who you are.