Wednesday, September 24, 2008

what Gossip Girl has made

Gossip Girl udah masuk season 2 dan cewek-cewek mulai asik berburu episode-nya. secara ini Indonesia dan kita ga punya CW even for those who have cable TV. gue juga suka kok sinetron ini, it has many things that Indonesian series don't have (of course, nobody wears Valentino on Indonesian TV). soal cerita buat gue biasa aja ah. they're filthy rich and how many series have told us about that kind of people? many, many, so many. gue sendiri suka nonton Gossip Girl karena tokohnya yang buat gue unik aja, maksud gue, hello, not everybody have that kind of courage Brooklyn hunk Dan Humphrey has to date a Manhattan girl like Serena. and it's very inspiring to see those handbags, dresses, shoes and stuffs they wear.

salute to Gossip Girl it has changed the life of many young people, well, sadly, once again including me. there are so many party scenes and at the almost edge of season 1 it explains how important it is to be the hostess. I'm a high school girl and there are so many parties on the list. bukan party yang melibatkan event organizer juga sih, tapi lebih kayak perayaan ultah si ini dan si itu, acara ini acara itu dan lain sebagainya. dan apa yang lama-lama terlihat di depan muka gue adalah: pentiiiing banget untuk jadi hostess dan hostess yang baik.

Bahkan, penting banget untuk ada di daftar undangan.penting banget untuk diinget orang. okay, emang itu penting. who doesn't wanna be well-remembered and well-recognised? but sometimes what Gossip Girl has taught is absorbed by trying so hard to be someone well-known, just so that people know who you are. but maybe not who you really are.

kayaknya kalo udah ada di daftar undangan itu udah oke banget, somehow it just feels so cool. bahkan kalaupun nantinya acaranya nggak seru. sometimes, planning the party is even better than the party itself. that's just a potrait of what high school kids like nowadays.

perhaps they've been like this, like, forever, it's like a tale as old as time. I'm not a fan of being cool by looking like Blair Waldorf. What's cool is when I'm doing something I know is uncool. Because, you know, following the trend doesn't mean you're trendy. sometimes you're trendy when you do something what's beyond people's mind, what they never thought of. Marc Jacobs isn't cool if he doesn't make dresses with big bowtie and freakin awesome headband this fall.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

High School Musical 3

I don't know if I'm too cheesy or something, tapi gue berpikir film High School Musical 3 itu bagus.

gue heran ya sama award kayak Razzie Awards gitu, why would you give award to something you think really suck? cuma buat mengolok2 doang? oh God please deh that's so unnecessary! kadang2 gue setuju sih Razzie kan suka ngasih award ke film semacam Scary Movie gitu, itu film bodoh banget, lebih bodoh daripada filmnya Dewi Persik deh (no I don't hate Dewi Persik). tapi tetep aja gue nggak bakal mempublikasikan betapa nggak sukanya gue sama film itu.

tapi film bagus atau nggak, apalagi yang udah dibuat dengan niat kayak HSM3 gitu, harusnya di-appreciate dong. I know that Oscar movies itu bagus, dibikinnya pake otak atau cerdas, whatsoever. gue juga suka kok nonton film semacam itu walaupun kadang2 otak gue ga nyampe juga. tapi emangnya kayak HSM3 gitu nggak dibikin pake otak apa?

we say something good not because it really is good, but because we like it.

HSM3 ceritanya gampang ketebak sih. naluri dukun gue udah bilang bahwa Troy bakal milih college yang nggak pernah kesebut-sebut sebelomnya. tapi dance-nya menurut gue bagus, usahanya supaya kelihatan "Broadway banget" lumayan dan gue menghargai itu.

jangan2 tahun depan 'Hannah Montana The Movie' juga bakal dikasih Razzie Awards. I looooveeeeeeeeeee Hannah Montana! tadinya gue juga jijik, tapi setelah ditonton bagus kok. JAUH lebih oke daripada Wizards of Waverly Place yang sok2 Harry Potter banget itu. Biarin deh Hannah Montana norak. that's where the art lies.

gue nggak sukanya ya, orang tuh suka men-judge gitu deh. directing a movie isn't that simple, you know??? bahkan untuk bikin film yang sederhana itu, yeah kayak Penelope misalnya, itu susah. I tried to direct a documentary movie, it was for my project this term, and it wasn't easy! nggak semua orang bisa nge-direct dengan baik, sama aja kayak not everybody was born Steven Spielberg so why wishing?