Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Something I Can Never Have

This song by Nine Inch Nails was played back to back in my car on my way to school this morning. I wasn't really aware of what's the meaning of the song but this morning, it all changed.

....Grey would be the color if I had a heart/I just want something I can never have....

It's always frustrating to know that there are certain things that we can never have.

Like, a ridiculously uber expensive Chanel LBD? or a yellow Ferrari? or maybe a Nate Archibald kind of boyfriend? maybe simply just a peace state of mind?

That line always bugs me, what is that something I can never have? I don't know what's gonna happen in the future, I don't even know what's waiting for me on the corner of the street.

isn't it very mysterious, eh?

True Friends Do

All grown up. And the only thing remain is ourselves. Things changed. Like, friends?

In high school, some friends can be so cruel, backstabber, two-faced bitch who don't deserve any respect. In life, we can't stop craving for true friends that's not interested in stabbing, either from the back, or the front.

Yesterday and today I received a message from one of my bestest friends.
Hey bestie, I know you're reading this :)

The message was well-written in English, and quiet long, I can say. The bottom line is, she was asking for (oh I hate using this word but I don't know any other proper word) my agreement, because she was making a decision and thought she would feel terrible if I didn't know.

My thought of it was: Wow. what an incredible friend. No one has ever done this before.

Above many flattering things, I dislike being followed. I know some people love it, some try so hard to be followed by others. But it just doesn't work for me. I don't think it's flattering. It must be so annoying to be Blair Waldorf.

But hey you know what bestie, what you did just make me feel flattered. I really, really, really head over heels appreciate what you do. And that's why I always think that you're the best. You know I love you, friend.

Only true friends do.

See you as another Londoner, mate!

Friday, January 16, 2009

My very late info about Edward Turin

To make this post safe, I'll tell the story in Indonesian, okay?

Last summer, gue punya summerfling. HAHAHAHAHA yes my first ever summerfling. Namanya... errr... ya pokoknya kalo di Inggris-in namanya Edward lah gitu ya. Buat yang pernah baca post-post gue sebelomnya pasti taulah.

Nah, emang sakit cool-kas nya nih cowok, gue jarang ngomong. Tapi emang dia suka lucu sih, dari logatnya, mukanya yang mirip James McAvoy.... oh my God ganteng banget deh! Yang bikin gedeg adalah, dia suka rese gitu. Bahkan saat di kelas gue lagi ngomong bahasa Indonesia yang dia ga ngerti aja dia suka ketawa-ketawa gitu ke gue, kayak liat badut lagi ngomong. ugh, what an ugly shit, gyahaha.

Kemaren, gue baru chat sama temen homestay gue yang namanya Catharina. Summerflingnya bernama Alessandro. Ouch, bukan summerfling deng. It's like summerfling goes to autumnfling and still a winterfling. d'oh! hahahaha sorry Kariiiin!

Kira2 begini isi chattingnya:

Catharina: Meng, udah liat fbnya Roberto belom?
Arien: Udah
Arien: Mukanya tolol, hahahahaha!
Catharina: Hahaha iya, tapi gitu2 cewenya model
Arien: Oh iya ya pantes, tinggalnya di Milan sih
Catharina: Iya tuh, satu sekolah sama si mangga
Arien: Hah? emang mangga di Milano juga?
Catharina: Adooooh ke mana aja lo menggg?
Arien: Ooh pantesan mesos
Catharina: Iya gimana gitu ya meng, ABERCROMBIE.... HAHAHAHAH
Arien: Iya buckle-nya D&G bok
Catharina: Hahaha liat aja lo, dari yang foto dia lagi meluk gue itu kan?
Arien: Yoi
Arien: Bareng Andrea juga dong dia, ewww
Catharina: Haha iya
Arien: Eh, terus kalo edo dari mana?
Catharina: Edo dari Turin
Arien: Iiih tebakan gue beneeeer hahahahahaha
Arien: Kalo Vale sama Ricca?
Catharina: Sama, mereka satu sekolah kok di Torino
Catharina: Ya elah lo ke mana ajaaa? Makanya jangan sama Rachele doang
Arien: Yah gimana ya, partner in crime gue kan orang desa di Bologna, hahahahahaha

Keterangan: mangga=alessandro. surname-nya mengandung kata mango jadi gue memakai bahasa isyarat mangga

Yah, intinya gue memang telat banget.

Dan saat gue konfirmasi ke temen gue yang satu lagi, yang suka ngobrol sama Riccardo, dia juga bilang gue telat. hahahahahah biarin deh yang penting pernah ngegosip sama si Edward.

Kadang2 gue suka serem deh. Si Edward ini jarang banget online di jam2 I normally online. Begitu ketemu suka gue tungguin sampe dia off. hahahaha. Karin bilang dia suka online jam 4 pagi waktu Indonesia. Hell maaaan.... I'd be totally insane if I have to wait for him to be online every morning.

Aaaaaaa I miss you my Edward--James McAvoy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

J'ai rêvé de vous dans mes cauchemars

the title means: "I dreamed of you in my nightmares."

That line is inspired by Israeli attack in Gaza City, the hottest topic on earth today. Have you read Paul Arden's book "God Explained In A Taxi Ride"? He said that, More blood has been shed over religion than other issue. Yeah, we all know that it's true.

I imagined if I were in that city, I would be trapped at home, no electricity, no TV, no internet connection, no phone lines... and there are explosions, gun shots... what worse can it be, huh? limited food, and life is in danger... I'd rather die, really.

Someone has told me, at the time I was so tired after walking more than 10 miles that day, this, "I hate it when people like you whine. It's like you're a whining horse. Is it really that much horrible for you?" And I said yes, I never have to walk 10 miles in my hometown, I got a car!

He was from Pakistan, and was in the Pakistan Army for a year, and then he said this, "That's so selfish. Can you imagine how life could be so different outside there? You know, this isn't a small world, it's a wide, wild life. You can never imagine how life feels like for the children your age, at the same minute this time, is crying, hoping for the war to stop. I don't understand why lucky people like you, who never knew what it feels like, whine over stupid things like this. It's nothing compared to their problems. Well, I can never compare your problems to theirs, but their problems are real. It's an international concern, even the Queen (Elizabeth II) concerned about it. But people has been in a longer walk than you. ten miles is a joke."

I can never forget his preach. why are we, living in this very easy world, whining about everything?

My opinion about this war is, well, it's something awful. Not only because I'm Muslim so I choose to be on the Palestine side but Israeli's attack is so ridiculous! Sometimes I wish Adolf Hitler were here. Although of course, I don't believe in massacre. Nobody will agree if there's another Holocaust.

But when I check out my Facebook today and there are so many invitations to join groups such as 'F**k Israel' or
anything harsh, that'd just make us equal to those freakin evil knievil!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fortune Teller

As this is a holiday, and I don't have anything to do, I get to spend a lot of times in front of the TV.

I have a cable TV in my house, tapi serius deh, acara tahun barunya nggak seru. Budaya Barat yang 'ceritanya' nggak percaya pada hal2 mistik bikin mereka merayakan tahun baru dengan begitu banyak prediksi atau acara2 seneng2 gitulah.

meanwhile, gue adalah orang Indonesia. gue percaya mistik2. hahahahahaha. dan serunya, ada banyaaaaaaak banget paranormal Indonesia kebanjiran tawaran masuk infotainment atau majalah, yeah whatever lah. ngomongin siapa yang bakal kawin cerai dan sebagainya.

yang bikin gue sebel, infotainment ngomongin kawin cerai seakan itu hal yang gampang. I think that, even for celebs who get married and get divorced like they change their clothes, but it's still a divorce. for those of you who haven't realized, every separation hurts just the same.

seru loh, mereka semua kayak satu suara bilang, "Ada artis berinisial xx akan menikah, cerai, blablabalabalabalabalaba." I get so curiousssss!

terus ya, ada satu hal yang menurut gue, jadi paranormal isn't that special.

you know, yesterday I watch Mama Lauren in one of those trashy infotainments, she was asked about some celeb's relationships.

on Rossa with her hubby: "Ya kalo saya liat ya, kalau mereka nggak hati-hati, mereka akan jatuh."

Even an idiot knows that for every couple, if they don't be careful and watch their relationship, it'll fall out anyway. kenapa juga mesti dikasih tau? I don't think I need a fortune teller to tell me about that.

Sama aja kayak gini:

Gimana nilai saya di sekolah tahun ini, mbah?
Mbah lihat, akan ada masalah dengan nilai kamu kalau kamu banyakan main-main, apalagi dengan internet.

seriously, do we really need someone to tell us about that?