Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hiya Dudes,

Let me set things straight for you through this open letter, okay?

  • They are not stupid. Just because they suck in maths doesn't mean they're way below you. Their brains are too artistic to understand numeric things and simply too creative to just found some sort of 'x' or 'y'.
  • You might be good at sports and they suck, but 20 years from now, when you're all fat and too busy to work your huge ass out, you'll be suck too. They're just there earlier.
  • People love them because they show who they are and they might will stay like this 20 years from now. Not sporty, suck in maths and so on. But you will change, just like what you've seen in a million other people. They might be odd ones out of a thousand, but you'll be part of a million.

It's playing like a silent film in my mind

Sophomore year was the greatest

It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it that you may come across four of five times in life.
we wonder why black and white photos capture our soul. i think its cause without color, we aren't drawn to makeup, and the color of our eyes, or our hair, or how tan our skin is. black and white captures the innocence of one's face and the hurt they've gone through to feel vulnerability. the glow we see comes from the inside - brightening our eyes, our skin, and our smile.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What happened to us? We were almost there

What are you supposed to do with all the love you have for somebody if that person is no longer there? What happens to all that leftover love?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Too Bad I'm Not Paul McCartney

I barely ever talked about my father, didn't I? Well, he deserves one post of his own in this page, so, here it goes for you, Dad.

Spend a day with my father. You might find some laughter or nothing. He doesn't talk much, unlike me, but you'll learn some unspoken wisdom from a very modest old man. He's probably the most modest person in this rich world I know. There might be very little words of him that I can quote, but there's a lot of love that I have to learn from him.

Because he loves his daughters more than anything. Because he still loves his wife the same as 32 years ago. Because he did a job I know wasn't his interest but still did it well to make a living out of it. Because he's so loyal, a good employee, and the best boss his workers ever had. Because he never demanded anything too high and just go with the flow. Because he enjoys his life and always being thankful about it, no matter how much he lost. Because he introduced me to really good music: The Beatles, Bee Gees, Led Zeppelin, Queen (and Freddie Mercury, for this matter), Nat King Cole, Alison Moyet...... the list goes on forever.
Screw failure of not being accepted in public Uni, screw not being able to drive, screw shopping 'til drop, he still loves his daughters for who we are. There's no problem for him as long as we're still his daughters.

I think he sees the glass as half empty, so when the whole thing spills, he won't be as devastated as other people. I barely saw him being disappointed or sad. I never see him crying unless it's a really sad movie. When he lost his mother last year, I heard he cried over it but I don't know. The minute I heard he was crying on the phone, I thought, "Oh well, the big man I thought was my rock, cries." You know, that's the kind of moment when you finally realise that your father wasn't a Superman.

The best things I learned from him?

You can't make everyone happy. But nobody said you can't try.

Apapun yang kamu dapet, nikmatin ajalah. Kayaknya nggak ada gunanya kamu jadi orang cynical atau terus kecewa sama dunia di sekitar kamu.

Band sekarang banyak sih. Bagus-bagus juga kan dek? Tapi kok kayaknya nggak ada ya yang bisa jadi The Beatles masa depan? Apalagi band-band yang kamu dengerin, dielu-elukan sekarang tapi coba 6 bulan lagi, emang ada yang inget band apa itu Amazing Baby?

I sometimes wish I were Paul McCartney, so that I could write a good song about my father like "When I'm Sixty-Four" or something like that (my dad LOVES Paul, for the record). And the best part of him? He's still proud of me even though I'm nothing like Paul! One day I'm gonna write a book about him, or whatever, a song, a painting, anything really, one thing for sure the world has to know what kind of person he is!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Conan Wants To Tell You Something

I hope

I hope that some day, you find an amazing girl. The kind of girl who means everything to you and makes you want to spend every moment of your time with her. The kind of girl who keeps you up at night, just thinking about her beautiful smile, and when you finally fall asleep, she’s all you dream about. I hope she’s the first thing to cross your mind when you wake up in the morning. I hope she changes you in a way you could never understand, yet you know it`s for the better. I hope she’s the kind of girl you would die for. The kind of girl who could make you cry, even though you’d never admit it. The kind of girl who makes you want to go out and do something special, something that means everything to the both of you. The kind of girl you can have silly fights with, then kiss and make up and hold her in your arms like you`re falling in love all over again. I hope you make memories with her you never forget. I hope she’s your world, and what you have with her is nothing less than perfection. And I hope that one day, you lose her. I hope you mess up and as hard as you try to keep her there with you, she slips through the cracks of your broken heart. I hope it destroys you, because you realize you’ve lost the person you once called your everything. I hope you see every moment you spent together spin away down the drain like it was waiting to happen. I hope you stay up at night because she’s on your mind and when you fall asleep, she haunts your dreams. I hope her beautiful smile stays pressed in your mind like a scar that won’t fade away. I hope you realize that you’re a new person because of her, I hope your new self feels incomplete without her and you miss the old you. The one that was okay with being alone, because you’d rather be the heartbreaker than the heartbroken.