Friday, December 26, 2008

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti!

I have a feeling that this is gonna be the last post of this year, so, Happy New Year everyone! We all have different experiences this year, and I personally had a blast. I mean, well, there must be some pains happened, but it wasn’t so bad either. Okay, I’ll confess it. It is, bad. But I’ve survived it so nothing could be worse! Yeah, it’s still too early to talk about it, we still have about, like, what, 5 days remaining in this year? And it doesn’t mean that in 5 days the worst thing of the year can’t happen, because of course it can, but let’s just say a prayer for that. If only life is as easy as pie…

I don’t have any new year resolutions. I am a person with no new year resolutions. I think I’m too young to have a resolution. I only believe in goals. Because planning resolutions is so boring, y’know, and consequently I’ll end up wishing I’d be a better person, like, more patient, more clever, less selfish and all that shit. We all wanna be better, who doesn’t? It doesn’t deserve a place in a new year resolution, because it’s exactly what we want. Not for the upcoming year but even for the upcoming days.

I have some goals, yeah, and some plans, but I don’t think they’re resolutions. But mostly this year I’m doing something different! I dream about, not goals, not plans and not resolutions, but impossibility. Like, the “what if” questions. You know, Beyonce’s latest single “If I were a boy”? Yes, it’s kinda like that. And guess what? It’s fun!

If I were something in my bedroom, I’d… be my TV. It’s broken now and now it’s just sat there being all dusty and disgusting, but it’s still a TV. That’s what I wanna be as a person. No matter how bad I’d become, I’d still be a person and people will still see me as I am.

If I were a fruit, I’d… be so many lemons. One of my best friend had told me about, y’know, what she thinks about me because it’s almost the end of the year and we were talking about confession. She told me that, yes I might make noises and mishaps and loud laughter, loud voice, funny faces, corny jokes, but still I’m very bitter inside. Maybe someday I’ll find people who can make me change from so many lemons to litres of lemonade.

If I were a doctor, I’d… sign up to UN and work for Unicef.

If I were living in the 60s, I’d… be busy traveling between UK and US. I wanna watch as much gigs of The Beatles and Elvis Presley as possible! Gosh I always wish I live in this decade!

If I were in a band, it’d be… Jonas Brothers. HAHAHAHA! No, this isn’t so embarrassing. Musically and visually, yes they are… umm… yeah, you know. But personally they’re total nuns! I am a total nun. I could be pretty classic and traditional about things.

If I were a boy, I’d… learn how to love a girl. Every girl has their own type of prince charming, but I think no girl can resist a boy who’s willing to die for her… Hahahahahahahaha! Sorry boys.

If I were a character in ‘Twilight’ saga, I’d… be Rosalie. I don’t read the book, but from many sources I know that she’s the flashy, coolest girl on the original story (because I don’t see it on the movie). Not that I wanna be someone very flashy, very beautiful or whatever, but rather because I think having a boyfriend like Emmett would be so awesome. Who knows?

If I were an animal, I’d be… a Pegasus. You know, it’s not real. I just like the idea that it’s not real but people still know what kind of animal it is. Hey wait, is it an animal?

If I were a journalist, I’d… be a photojournalist for French Vogue. French Vogue is easier than the American but it has the much better style, the classic, BCBG (bon chic bon genre) Parisian couture. Carina Roitfeld (the famous editor-in-chief) once said that only Parisian women like this magazine, the rest of the country don’t. That’s why French Vogue is easier, it’s smaller. And also, because it’s in France, they can do anything on the cover. They can smoke, they can make provocative pictures… they’re free to do anything. Vive le France!

If I were a father, I’d… be someone like my father. My father isn’t someone so famous, so rich or so fashionable and all that matters. But he’s the most harmless person in the world I know, like he can only hurt himself. And so his children are kids who know how comfortable it is being around someone harmless, and that it’s the most important thing at home.

If I were a philanthropist, I’d… buy lands. Andy Warhol once said, “Land really is the best art”. And Mark Twain said, “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” And with the lands I would’ve bought I’d build comfortable flats for the needy families. I want everyone to have a home. I want everyone to know what a very comfortable place a home is.

If I were a president of The U.S, I’d… change the way people think of the nation. America isn’t the heart of this world, y’know, they’re not strong enough. Yes it’s a big pie, and then what? Being all eaten up? That’s not cool. I think I’ll just share the power with other countries instead, like, UK, Germany, France, Russia… they’re nations with smart and cool people. They could be good companions.

If I were son of John Lennon, I’d… rather be Julian Lennon. Musically I like Julian better than Sean, though Sean has a better popularity. Julian is the inspiration for the song ‘Hey Jude’ and ‘Lucy in the sky with diamonds’, two of the best songs by The Beatles. But I’m not interested in being half-blooded person, especially when it comes to two countries which take 12 hours flight to reach each other.

If I could choose to be any woman in the world, I’d be… Yoko Ono. I like her, really. I think she’s a bold, brave and yet loving woman. I know she took John from Cynthia, but she still loves him until today anyway, so it’s like, very okay. That means their love was true. And she dedicated her arts to her departed husband, to the world peace and all that things that impress me. Her arts are so awesome I can’t believe there was a couple like John and Yoko.

If I were a rockstar, I’d… be Pete Doherty! He’s a junkie, a model-sleeper, but he’s still the coolest rockstar to me and I’m thinking that’s what rockstars should be: Like Pete Doherty! Why should everybody wants him to be drugs-free and just all about musically genius? That’s stupid.

If I were a Hollywood superstar, I’d… be Angelina Jolie. Just everything she does is right. Adopting kids, winning awards, being a UN ambassador… What’s not right is stealing husband and sadly there’s no prison charge for stealing someone’s husband. But, you know, if Hollywood still exists for the next 200 years, they’ll still know who’s the bitch in this shocking love triangle, not the one who let her husband fall into someone else. Look at Cynthia Lennon who loses John to Yoko! Not everybody knows that John was once married to Cynthia before Yoko…

If I could choose with whom I live with… it’d be Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. First of all, they could treat me from breakfast to brunch to lunch to dinner to supper. Second of all, I could live in their fabulous life everyday. And third, I could raid their closet and if I can’t wear it for myself I could just sell it to people or other designer! Viva la vida!

If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d live in… Cambridge. I love this city. Oh no, the world love is not enough. There must be another word to tell how much I like this city… It’s not so hectic, not so cold, it’s very great and amazing. It takes only 1 hour to London, and from London I can reach any other cool cities in the world very easily. Paris, Milan, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, New York, LA… ooh I can’t wait!!!!

Well, I believe that we all have imagination. This kind of game is a very cool way to play with your imagination instead just sitting down, playing games, write down some shits… Yeah I know this is shit, but reality leaves a lot to your imagination, so why don’t take it? They’re free!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

because I lied

today I lied... and so now I'm being awfully sick! Goddammit I hate fever!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Anger Management

Pagi-pagi jam 8, gue baru bangun tidur, kakak gue udah marah-marah.

This is the kind of emotional problem I seriously hate after depression. I was this very spoiled brat, I got angry easily. but one trip, one day, one person and one advice change me from the kind of person I used to be.

waktu itu gue abis makan siang di sebuah restoran bergaya eropa gitu di Amsterdam, terus jalan-jalan menuju Red Light District. dan gue ngambek sama temen gue. sebenernya nggak serius, walaupun waktu itu gue kan udah capek banget tapi emang bercandanya pas lagi nyengit2nya. annoying banget parah. bahkan gue udah ngambek aja masih diceng2in. bastards.

then this girl came to me. I just knew her when first I arrived at Paris because she was a friend of my senior and when I was talking to my senior on a Paris metro she introduced me to her.

dia bilang gini. ini penting banget. dia memang menggurui gue tapi omongannya sangat masuk ke otak gue, "oh jadi lo marah? lo jangan seenaknya aja dong kalo mau marah. emangnya cuma lo doang yang bisa marah? gue juga bisa marah. semua juga bisa marah, nggak cuma lo doang. lo nggak berhak untuk marah, emang lo mau dimarahin? emang lo ga capek dimarahin?"

actually she was just saying something really simple, not something philosophical or, well, whatever. tapi itu masuk ke dalam logika gue dan hati sanubari gue sampe akhirnya gue langsung ketawa saat itu juga dan marah gue ilang. sampe hari ini, gue masih suka marah. tapi gue berusaha untuk selalu inget apa yang dia bilang supaya kemarahan gue reda. not only for the sake of other people but more like, for me.


Celine: I like to feel his eyes when I look away.
Celine: I had worked for this old man and once he told me that he had spent his whole life thinking about his career and his work. And he was fifty-two and it suddenly struck him that he had never really given anything of himself. His life was for no one and nothing. He was almost crying saying that.
Jesse: You know what’s the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you? It’s when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with and you realize that is how little they’re thinking of you. You know, you’d like to think you’re both in all this pain but they’re just like, “Hey, I’m glad you’re gone.”
Jesse: Why is it, that a dog, sleeping in the sun, is so beautiful, y’know, it is, it’s beautiful, but a guy, standing at a bank machine, trying to take some money out, looks like a complete moron?
Celine: People can lead their life as a lie. My grandmother, she was married to this man, and I always thought she had a very simple, uncomplicated love life. But she just confessed to me that she spent her whole life dreaming about another man she was always in love with. She just accepted her fate. It’s so sad.
Jesse: I kind of see this all love as this, escape for two people who don’t know how to be alone. People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, there’s nothing more selfish.
Jesse: Why do you think everybody thinks relationships are supposed to last forever anyway?
Celine: Yeah, why. It’s stupid.
Celine: I guess when you’re young, you just believe there’ll be many people with whom you’ll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.
Celine: They enjoy the day but not the process. But the reality of it is that the true work of improving thing is in the little achievements of the day.
Celine: You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details.
Celine: There are so many things I want to do, but I end up doing not much.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Indonesia tahun 2048

I would be 45 at the time.

No, that's unnecessary.

This post will be a little bit political. So if you hate political issue, leave now.

Satu menit yang lalu, dengan susah payah, memakai internet rumah gue yang lemotnya bisa bikin tobat, gue nonton video tawuran pelajar (!!!). Gini deh, lima jam yang lalu gue masih berpikir, "Ah elah, tawuran pelajar? Ya udah gih sana sakit ya sakit aja sendiri, screw it, I'm so darn indifferent about it." Well now I changed my mind.

Mungkin ini simple ya, atau gue yang lebay. Tapi ini sebenernya masalah yang BESAR. Gue, sebagai cewek bisa bayangin, seandainya gue punya anak nanti, mau cewek atau cowok, gue nggak mau dia jadi tukang tawuran! No one was raised just to fight against people for the sake of your school's tradition! Hello? cuma bawa nama angkatan doang? Fourty years from now, saat lo udah umur hampir 60-an dan lo sakit stroke atau komplikasi, angkatan lo nggak mungkin ada di sisi lo untuk ngobatin lo, got it?

Semua tukang tawuran di sana, lo harus tau manwhores: #1. sekolah bukan negara lo, lo nggak punya kewajiban secara hukum untuk membelanya dan, #2. sekolah adalah salah satu hal yang seharusnya nggak ada aja, jadi ngapain juga lo belain. kalo lo nggak mati sih masih sukur ya. kalo lo mati? nanti mak lo ditanya, "Anaknya mati kenapa bu?" "Terbunuh di tawuran pelajar, bu." Malu dunia akhirat untuk mak lo, bapak lo terutama elo. #3. berantem itu sakit dan nyakitin orang itu dosa. idup udah susah, nggak usah tawuran aja dosa udah banyak, mau selama apa sih lo di neraka? yakin bakal betah disana, huh?

Dan gue pernah ya, iseng banget buka forum salah satu sekolah tukang ribut. ada alumninya yang bilang gini:
"Gue seneng banget dengan sekolah kita ini, sebelom masuk sini gue letoy, apa aja nerima. sekarang di kampus, gue jadi kuat, lebih jantan, punya attitude, blablabla" tai kucing.

In the proper life, you don't really need to be strong kecuali lo mau jadi kuli. gue sih ogah. gini ya, dunia ini nggak butuh pemimpin yang gede ototnya. ih boro-boro gede ototnya. bukannya tukang tawuran tuh badannya item, dekil, kurus, persis kuli ya? berarti, semua orang yang rajin tawuran adalah calon kuli masa depan.

dan gue kebayang, kalo terus kayak gini, negara kita Indonesia yang dari sekarang aja udah bapuk ini, mau bangga gitu dengan generasi kuli? No offense, kita semua butuh kuli buat bangun rumah, gedung dan lain-lain yang penting. tapi kita butuh pemimpin, ladies and gentlemen, bukan kuli. pemimpin yang memimpin dengan otak dan cinta, bukan dengan otot dan kebencian pada lawan.

Who wants to see our president someone who deserves to be kuli? Oops, nobody raise a hand.

Ooh, gue nonton di TV bahwa George W. Bush dilempar dengan sepasang sepatu oleh seorang Iraqi journalist. dan jurnalis itu sekarang ditahan. pas ngeliatnya gue ngerasa, wow, Mr. President deserves that. walaupun secara etika, hey that's not a good thing. but that cool journalist is an Iraqi man, kalo gue bayangin jadi dia, ngeliat negara gue dibom, dijajah di jaman modern gini, pria-pria dibunuh, anak kecil diajarin pegang senjata, wanita dikejar-kejar, dan dia juga kan otaknya Islam dimusuhin setengah idup sama dunia, well, gue juga akan melakukan hal yang sama. Membunuh Bush itu nggak mungkin, that's off limit. Pertama, ngebunuh itu dosa. Itu nggak diajarkan dalam Islam, mau dia kafir kek, Yahudi kek. Kedua, gue pengen ngeliat Bush mati pelan-pelan, tersiksa secara mental, fisik dan finansial, sampe dia dalam keadaan hidup segan mati tak mau.

Tahun 2048 nanti, mungkin gue udah akan bisa melihat orang-orang yang kira-kira seangkatan sama gue sekarang jadi presiden. Kita nggak mau presiden kualitas kuli, setuju? Jadi, pelajar kualitas kuli di sana, please, jangan mencalonkan diri jadi presiden.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Shot Andy Warhol

I wonder where I can find this movie right now, I never see it like, ever. Has anybody watched this movie? Tell me, I need it to kill some time, my holiday starts to get incredibly boring.

Here are some movies I'm dying to see:

1. I Shot Andy Warhol
2. The Factory
3. Roman Holiday
4. Funny Face
5. The Godfather
6. The Assassination of A High School President
7. Poor Little Rich Girl
8. Y Tu Mama Tambien (alright, I can't spell it well, I don't know how to write it exactly)
So if anyone know how I can get to see them, tell me pleaseeeeeee!

Oh and I'm also dying to watch some play. when in London, three of my friends got a chance to watch 'Phantom of The Opera' at Leicester Square, which I couldn't go because it was my last night there and my luggage was still a huge mess, I couldn't just go out 'til midnight and let it messing around my room! They said it was really cool, it was also their first time to watch a play. Along the tour in Europe they can't stop singing the songs, kewl.
Someday I really wanna watch a play in West End or Broadway, that'll be superb!

Some people might think, am I really such an artist? According to my posts, I always talk shits about Warhol and all kind of artistic things... but no. I'm not an artist. In the proper life, I appreciate arts more than everything, but I hate painting, I hate drawing, and in my art class, we don't usually draw something artistic but more like something technical, like drawings you see in architectural studies. As a matter of fact, I suck at drawing. However I have so much images going on in my mind but my hands are dumb enough to not draw them into something real.

Well, wish school can get some meaning for me rather than just a way to get some diploma.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

another random day

Being alone at home could be très boring, and we all know that. I've been left alone at home since I was a kid without parents nor sisters, there was always just my maid. and my maid was always like, seriously boring and pathetic. however, when my sister, who's in college majoring in psychology, interviewed me for a research to "typical big city teenager", she asked about who's the most important person in my life, and without thinking I said, "Of course my nanny! you know, she fed me, she took care of me everytime I get hurt, she cooked for me, she tucked me in day and night, she makes up my bed... what she didn't do is just get me some cash!" That makes her angry and she said, "What about me? and mom and dad?" then I said, "Err... well, sure you guys are important, because... we share the same blood, don't we?" (I smirked)

So I spend this dreadful boredom by doing my favorite hobby: daydreaming. It's the best thing I can do, seriously. If only daydreaming can make some cash, I'd be Warren Buffet by now. and you know what? Even with the part where I can do best in, I still can't do it now! I'm out of inspirations, I don't know what to daydream about!

And my next destination is my ex-suitcase. I still don't have it cleaned from my old stuff from my last trip, and in fact there are still some stuffs left. I forgot I bought a Beatles bag which is a wee bit costy because it's been there since July! what a stupid bitch. then I found my best treasure: London A to Z book! It's a very important book for every London tourists because you'll never get lost with this book on your hand. karena iseng akhirnya gue mencari-cari letak rumah gue di situ, which of course I could find it in a snap. gue juga sengaja nyari2 alamat yang nggak penting gitu, misalnya toko Abercrombie&Fitch di Westminster. Gosh, this store is so remarkable I can't forget it!

In the US Abercrombie stores are everywhere but there's only one in London, with no board sign, and even its neighbour stores don't know that the white, hip and full-house building is Abercrombie store! and I also left a Paris metro map, which is very confusing. First, I don't know French. I don't and can't speak it. second, it's looks very complicated that I feel so lucky to always have my Italian guide during my Parisian trip. and the rest, there are many plastic bags from various stores. Okay, let's confess it, I usually collect plastic bags, but only from important stores like Harrods or Primark, because you know what, there's no Harrods or Primark here.

But, it wasn't enough. After that I didn't know what else to do. So I ran to my laptop and start browsing the internet. Well first I signed in to my Facebook, which is getting boring because it's like I've used all the applications and commeting on photos aren't interesting anymore. Then I checked out my e-mail, there's only one new mail from my friend who's now living in NYC saying, "Helloooooooooo bitches! Sup??" Boo-ring.

Setiap kali mentok, gue akan buka blog gue. Awalnya gue bingung, mikir lamaaaaaa banget ga tau mau nulis apa sampai setengah jam kemudian judul aja belom kepikiran. Dan setiap kali kementokan gue juga udah mentok, gue akan buka beberapa website yang paling refreshing kayak atau and it does inspire me to do something. For every girl these pages is a must, they're chic, savvy, tapi nggak tante-tante, very wearable. what's not wearable is the prices, yeah. Anybody a fan of Hyoni Kang or Skye Stracke here? Well, stop reading here and open.

I found some pictures of the new collections of Thakoon, Alexander Wang and Phillip Lim, and think that maybe as Asian we should be proud of them, they're amazing. Check them out and enjoy it because to buy them is almost uncool. well, maybe it is, cool, but not in the good way. I'm not a fashionista, tapi browsing tentang mereka is way better than stalking your crush's Facebook account.

Gue sih ga tau ya kalo ada orang yang suka banget buka Youtube, karena internet di rumah gue leletnya parah BANGET, tapi memang gue nggak terlalu suka aja nonton Youtube. It's a brilliant idea for those who invented Youtube, thank them for it, but it's not flattering enough for me. Yaa kadang2 ngiri juga sih gue sama yang bisa nonton youtube but I don't like it anyway so why jealous.

While doing it all, it's not complete without music. And since it's silent here I can listen to any songs but my favourite is still Coldplay. I listen to Coldplay, James Morrison (right, cheesy), Damien Rice and Sigur Ros a lot lately, they bring me back a loads of memories that I thought has faded away. Here's my best part (I dnt knw the meaning but I keep on singin this part all day today):

Mama tried to wash their faces
But these kids they lost their graces
And daddy lost at the races too many times
She broke down the other day, yeah you know
Some things in life may change
But some things they stay the same
Like time, there's always time
On my mind
So pass me by,
I'll be fine
Just give me time
Time, there's always time
On my mind
Pass me by,
I'll be fine
Just give me time

très cool!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The edge of the year

as it is now almost the end of the year, I kind of seize the day in a way that might as well we can call, merenung.

I have this thought that I'd close this year with very pathetic moments. tanggal 27-31 desember nanti angkatan gue pergi ke subang untuk ngerjain karya tulis. and that sounds even worse for some reasons that would be inappropriate to say here. thing is, itu bakal jadi 4 hari paling 'berdarah' dalam hidup gue. not because I'm a big city girl so I can't live in a village, but more like, ya emang gue ga mau aja pergi ke sana. udah beberapa angkatan di atas gue nggak harus menjalani perjalanan tahi kucing ini. gue keselnya kenapa mesti ada acara beginian sih mau naik kelas aja, dengan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang udah dari sananya salah banget ini, udah susssaaah banget apalagi buat tipe orang kayak gue. terus gimana dong? well, who gives a damn shit.

this has been a very remarkable and memorable year for me. well I turned 15 this year and it felt nothing special. tapi setidaknya ada banyak hal yang bener-bener bisa bikin gue kangen sama tahun ini. okay, let's just say, my summer trip going thousands of miles away from home. it felt really nice and great, awesomely awesome.

most importantly is that I've gone through a harsh love journey. well, this might sounds cheesy, so let's just skip it. at least I'll always remember to never forget it, and the rest of the people around here.

back to my karya ilmiah, God only knows what it'd be like. I'm terrible in all that scientific thing. I might be in the science class, but it's rubbish. I don't give a damn there, but who cares? gue tau banget karya ilmiah ini bakal hancur berantakan. mungkin gara2 gue atau mungkin juga nggak, tapi tetep aja hancur berantakan. guru gue bilang, "Kalau kamu homestay ke luar negeri, pikiran kamu akan otomatis berubah, pasti lebih forward." true, I know it. "Kalau kamu homestay ke pedesaan, yang akan berubah adalah hati kamu." WHAT? okay, maybe that's trus but how long it will lasts? a day? bahkan temen2 gue yang udah pada ikut ESQ, yang pake nangis2an kayak orang bego aja cuma berubah paling sehari dua hari, paling lama seminggu. lah ini cuma ke pedesaan, dan cuma 4 hari, mau ngapain? I'm afraid there will be nothing to do there. I mean, you know, this is Jakarta and there are lots of things to do, I'll never run out of things! di desa?? uugh.

yea whtvr. I don't care.