Friday, December 26, 2008

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti!

I have a feeling that this is gonna be the last post of this year, so, Happy New Year everyone! We all have different experiences this year, and I personally had a blast. I mean, well, there must be some pains happened, but it wasn’t so bad either. Okay, I’ll confess it. It is, bad. But I’ve survived it so nothing could be worse! Yeah, it’s still too early to talk about it, we still have about, like, what, 5 days remaining in this year? And it doesn’t mean that in 5 days the worst thing of the year can’t happen, because of course it can, but let’s just say a prayer for that. If only life is as easy as pie…

I don’t have any new year resolutions. I am a person with no new year resolutions. I think I’m too young to have a resolution. I only believe in goals. Because planning resolutions is so boring, y’know, and consequently I’ll end up wishing I’d be a better person, like, more patient, more clever, less selfish and all that shit. We all wanna be better, who doesn’t? It doesn’t deserve a place in a new year resolution, because it’s exactly what we want. Not for the upcoming year but even for the upcoming days.

I have some goals, yeah, and some plans, but I don’t think they’re resolutions. But mostly this year I’m doing something different! I dream about, not goals, not plans and not resolutions, but impossibility. Like, the “what if” questions. You know, Beyonce’s latest single “If I were a boy”? Yes, it’s kinda like that. And guess what? It’s fun!

If I were something in my bedroom, I’d… be my TV. It’s broken now and now it’s just sat there being all dusty and disgusting, but it’s still a TV. That’s what I wanna be as a person. No matter how bad I’d become, I’d still be a person and people will still see me as I am.

If I were a fruit, I’d… be so many lemons. One of my best friend had told me about, y’know, what she thinks about me because it’s almost the end of the year and we were talking about confession. She told me that, yes I might make noises and mishaps and loud laughter, loud voice, funny faces, corny jokes, but still I’m very bitter inside. Maybe someday I’ll find people who can make me change from so many lemons to litres of lemonade.

If I were a doctor, I’d… sign up to UN and work for Unicef.

If I were living in the 60s, I’d… be busy traveling between UK and US. I wanna watch as much gigs of The Beatles and Elvis Presley as possible! Gosh I always wish I live in this decade!

If I were in a band, it’d be… Jonas Brothers. HAHAHAHA! No, this isn’t so embarrassing. Musically and visually, yes they are… umm… yeah, you know. But personally they’re total nuns! I am a total nun. I could be pretty classic and traditional about things.

If I were a boy, I’d… learn how to love a girl. Every girl has their own type of prince charming, but I think no girl can resist a boy who’s willing to die for her… Hahahahahahahaha! Sorry boys.

If I were a character in ‘Twilight’ saga, I’d… be Rosalie. I don’t read the book, but from many sources I know that she’s the flashy, coolest girl on the original story (because I don’t see it on the movie). Not that I wanna be someone very flashy, very beautiful or whatever, but rather because I think having a boyfriend like Emmett would be so awesome. Who knows?

If I were an animal, I’d be… a Pegasus. You know, it’s not real. I just like the idea that it’s not real but people still know what kind of animal it is. Hey wait, is it an animal?

If I were a journalist, I’d… be a photojournalist for French Vogue. French Vogue is easier than the American but it has the much better style, the classic, BCBG (bon chic bon genre) Parisian couture. Carina Roitfeld (the famous editor-in-chief) once said that only Parisian women like this magazine, the rest of the country don’t. That’s why French Vogue is easier, it’s smaller. And also, because it’s in France, they can do anything on the cover. They can smoke, they can make provocative pictures… they’re free to do anything. Vive le France!

If I were a father, I’d… be someone like my father. My father isn’t someone so famous, so rich or so fashionable and all that matters. But he’s the most harmless person in the world I know, like he can only hurt himself. And so his children are kids who know how comfortable it is being around someone harmless, and that it’s the most important thing at home.

If I were a philanthropist, I’d… buy lands. Andy Warhol once said, “Land really is the best art”. And Mark Twain said, “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” And with the lands I would’ve bought I’d build comfortable flats for the needy families. I want everyone to have a home. I want everyone to know what a very comfortable place a home is.

If I were a president of The U.S, I’d… change the way people think of the nation. America isn’t the heart of this world, y’know, they’re not strong enough. Yes it’s a big pie, and then what? Being all eaten up? That’s not cool. I think I’ll just share the power with other countries instead, like, UK, Germany, France, Russia… they’re nations with smart and cool people. They could be good companions.

If I were son of John Lennon, I’d… rather be Julian Lennon. Musically I like Julian better than Sean, though Sean has a better popularity. Julian is the inspiration for the song ‘Hey Jude’ and ‘Lucy in the sky with diamonds’, two of the best songs by The Beatles. But I’m not interested in being half-blooded person, especially when it comes to two countries which take 12 hours flight to reach each other.

If I could choose to be any woman in the world, I’d be… Yoko Ono. I like her, really. I think she’s a bold, brave and yet loving woman. I know she took John from Cynthia, but she still loves him until today anyway, so it’s like, very okay. That means their love was true. And she dedicated her arts to her departed husband, to the world peace and all that things that impress me. Her arts are so awesome I can’t believe there was a couple like John and Yoko.

If I were a rockstar, I’d… be Pete Doherty! He’s a junkie, a model-sleeper, but he’s still the coolest rockstar to me and I’m thinking that’s what rockstars should be: Like Pete Doherty! Why should everybody wants him to be drugs-free and just all about musically genius? That’s stupid.

If I were a Hollywood superstar, I’d… be Angelina Jolie. Just everything she does is right. Adopting kids, winning awards, being a UN ambassador… What’s not right is stealing husband and sadly there’s no prison charge for stealing someone’s husband. But, you know, if Hollywood still exists for the next 200 years, they’ll still know who’s the bitch in this shocking love triangle, not the one who let her husband fall into someone else. Look at Cynthia Lennon who loses John to Yoko! Not everybody knows that John was once married to Cynthia before Yoko…

If I could choose with whom I live with… it’d be Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. First of all, they could treat me from breakfast to brunch to lunch to dinner to supper. Second of all, I could live in their fabulous life everyday. And third, I could raid their closet and if I can’t wear it for myself I could just sell it to people or other designer! Viva la vida!

If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d live in… Cambridge. I love this city. Oh no, the world love is not enough. There must be another word to tell how much I like this city… It’s not so hectic, not so cold, it’s very great and amazing. It takes only 1 hour to London, and from London I can reach any other cool cities in the world very easily. Paris, Milan, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, New York, LA… ooh I can’t wait!!!!

Well, I believe that we all have imagination. This kind of game is a very cool way to play with your imagination instead just sitting down, playing games, write down some shits… Yeah I know this is shit, but reality leaves a lot to your imagination, so why don’t take it? They’re free!

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