Monday, December 1, 2008

The edge of the year

as it is now almost the end of the year, I kind of seize the day in a way that might as well we can call, merenung.

I have this thought that I'd close this year with very pathetic moments. tanggal 27-31 desember nanti angkatan gue pergi ke subang untuk ngerjain karya tulis. and that sounds even worse for some reasons that would be inappropriate to say here. thing is, itu bakal jadi 4 hari paling 'berdarah' dalam hidup gue. not because I'm a big city girl so I can't live in a village, but more like, ya emang gue ga mau aja pergi ke sana. udah beberapa angkatan di atas gue nggak harus menjalani perjalanan tahi kucing ini. gue keselnya kenapa mesti ada acara beginian sih mau naik kelas aja, dengan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang udah dari sananya salah banget ini, udah susssaaah banget apalagi buat tipe orang kayak gue. terus gimana dong? well, who gives a damn shit.

this has been a very remarkable and memorable year for me. well I turned 15 this year and it felt nothing special. tapi setidaknya ada banyak hal yang bener-bener bisa bikin gue kangen sama tahun ini. okay, let's just say, my summer trip going thousands of miles away from home. it felt really nice and great, awesomely awesome.

most importantly is that I've gone through a harsh love journey. well, this might sounds cheesy, so let's just skip it. at least I'll always remember to never forget it, and the rest of the people around here.

back to my karya ilmiah, God only knows what it'd be like. I'm terrible in all that scientific thing. I might be in the science class, but it's rubbish. I don't give a damn there, but who cares? gue tau banget karya ilmiah ini bakal hancur berantakan. mungkin gara2 gue atau mungkin juga nggak, tapi tetep aja hancur berantakan. guru gue bilang, "Kalau kamu homestay ke luar negeri, pikiran kamu akan otomatis berubah, pasti lebih forward." true, I know it. "Kalau kamu homestay ke pedesaan, yang akan berubah adalah hati kamu." WHAT? okay, maybe that's trus but how long it will lasts? a day? bahkan temen2 gue yang udah pada ikut ESQ, yang pake nangis2an kayak orang bego aja cuma berubah paling sehari dua hari, paling lama seminggu. lah ini cuma ke pedesaan, dan cuma 4 hari, mau ngapain? I'm afraid there will be nothing to do there. I mean, you know, this is Jakarta and there are lots of things to do, I'll never run out of things! di desa?? uugh.

yea whtvr. I don't care.

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