Sunday, May 27, 2012

There is Only One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill takes an enormous place in my heart, that is irreplaceable and will forever be the light that ignite my bones. Every now and then, there are hard times coming onto my life and I thought to myself, "What would Brooke Davis do?" I've just finished the last season, and above is Gavin DeGraw performing the song that has been the show's trademark soundtrack, and the only thing missing from their last season is Peyton Sawyer. Well, but still, they do know how to throw a farewell. I cannot write a long, beautiful post to describe what it means to see them getting their happy ending. There isn't a word that I know that can help me to define it. So, here's to a long 9 years of moving, inspiring series. Thanks for giving TV a meaning. Good night, One Tree Hill.

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