Monday, August 7, 2017

In Transit

Hi, everyone.

For some reason, this is an issue that I haven't really discussed with anyone other than that one time, when I was drowsy with a very weird kind of fondness... or affection.

So, yes, the truth of the matter is, I'm moving to Chicago, IL, for school.

Yep, none--and I mean, absolutely nothing--about this change was totally planned at all. I did not even know I would be taking this opportunity up until last March. If it sounds like a news to you, so does it for me.

I'm currently in transit at Narita, Tokyo. For some reason, I booked the second best class the flight has to offer, and so I'm kind of completely #BLESSED with so much leg room, a reclining seat, AND airport lounges in Jakarta and Narita. Wow. I've been flying since I was 5 years old and never have I ever been used to so much fancy like Narita airport lounge, and this isn't even the First Class Lounge.

You know, I rarely write something that just pops out of my head like this. I don't treat this blog like a Twitter (duh). But something tells me that I will be writing more regularly these days--actually, either that, or stops writing at all, but that isn't that strange coming from me. Somehow I think that I will have so much voices inside my head that I can't talk out with just about anyone.


I will be writing more in the days to come--before my classes start in late August. For now, let me just say that I am blessed beyond belief. And that I feel loved. I feel empowered. I feel strong... even when I'm not really trusting myself to do this.

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