Sunday, November 20, 2022

Lady Run

I was coming downstairs to pick up food deliveries earlier this evening when I saw a very familiar scene. A scene that I used to be an active participant in, but now is simply an observer. A passive one. Because I believe in privacy and whatever journey that anyone's in, is their own business to deal with.

An average-looking guy with average height and body type, dressed in homely t-shirt and cargo shorts but doused with an unnecessary amount of perfume, entered the elevator. Without any talking, I can safely assume what he is and what he does: he is either picking up food or someone cute. It was ony later after I was waiting for the elevator again after picking up my food that I realized it was the latter: it was someone cute.

The cutie is about the age I was. She wore long straight-leg trousers and cardigan, and carried a canvas tote bag. She was asking him which floor her is. 

Oh my God, she is me.

Three years ago. But still, she is me. This is how people used to see me 3 years ago.

Inside the elevator, he greeted an elderly lady who entered from the fifth floor. When she got off by the seventh floor, she asked me whether that's her neighbor. He laughed and said not really, but she's kind of an agent for the rentals in this building, and he met her in 2019 when he first came to this city. Then they got off before me, straight to his apartment.

I smiled and thought to myself, I've come so far from those days.

I wished her well deep inside of my heart, and against his family's wishes and all odds, maybe they can work it out. Maybe they won't. But whatever it is, I wished her and him well. I wished her that, if this isn't what her heart wants, she'd realize it soon and will come out of it sooner than later. That she'd find someone that will make her realize her worth, and that she's much better than what she thinks she is. I hope one day she will find her path.

Maybe I'm being judgmental, and maybe I'm wrong. I swear by God I hope I'm wrong. But I wished her well. Because maybe one day back then somebody saw me in an elevator and wished me well. Maybe somebody hoped that I'd find someone who make me realize my worth, and that I am better than what I thought I was.

I hope one day, he will change.

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