Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You're gonna love it

Charles and Mary Lamb, the siblings who tried to rewrite Shakespeare's plays and narrate it for younger (and, like me, less educated) readers, wrote this book which is actually very helpful for young people who appreciate Shakespearean plays but find his works are too poetic and hard to understand for non native English readers. I read this book, to be honest *sobs* because I can't understand the original plays and because it's the shortened version of them all. They rewrote all the most famous plays, such as Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, and Romeo&Juliet (duh. Of course). Some plays are long but in the narration it's quiet short and though it loses a bit of the art of reading a Shakespeare tale, but it really does help for Shakespeare-thirsty curious people. If you like drama, romance or tragedy, and you'd like to imagine you were a lord or a lady in Italy, England, France or Greece many centuries ago, this is the book for you. Happy reading!

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