Sunday, June 10, 2012

Edge of Glory

Oh, God. It's hard to believe that I'm so done with my sophomore year in college. Unlike the usual, I feel like I need to write something about my fourth term in college. On your right hand side is pictures which each one of them could tell you what I was busy doing in the last four months. They say it's the start of the hardest phase in college, and yes, they might be true. So, allow me to make some reflection of the person that I used to be when I started this unbelievably interesting term, and the person that I am, a survivor of such an amazing term in my history of college years. Well, at least so far. But please be aware: It's full of mindless, self-deprecating things because I think the reason why it was so hard to survive was because I self-sabotaged myself into academical success.

At the time I'm writing this, I still have four more subjects to complete their scoring so that I know my current GPA. And so far, well... How am I gonna call it? Good, maybe. Because you see, in this term, which was so, very, ultimately, hard, somehow I managed to skip almost half of the amount of meetings in this term. Almost. Well, with a little help from my really admirable friends, I also managed to keep my attendance record quiet well. I don't know what I was so busy doing. Work? Not really. Dating? I'm single, by the way. Research? I only do research on the story of some people, i.e. celebrities and some other people in real life, thankyouverymuch. I don't know... I was too busy wasting my time, I guess, that I have lost interest in coming to class and actually listening to so much blabbering the lecturers had to say.

There were way too many assignments and not enough time to do it all, that it was almost frustrating, really. There were even times when I thought I was done with college, because I would only show up in class Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, and then not much else. The next thing I know, it was time for finals. Sigh. You know what was my catchphrase in fourth term? "Ilmu jauh, temen deket jauh, orang tua jauh, jodoh jauh, Tuhan jauh... Yang deket cuma setan." So, long story short, for the lack of effort I made to be a cum laude (not that I actually strived for it) or at least a responsible student, the results that I get so far is good.

It may not be good enough for most people. But I'm not most people. Or at least, I don't deserve what most people get because I didn't do what most people did, anyway. But to end such a long journey in the last term of my sophomore year, I'll leave you (and me) with the best quote 80s comedy could ever made:

Life's moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. 
Ferris Bueller's Day Off 

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