Monday, December 24, 2012

Huge Grand

As you know, every Christmas holiday I have this "Old Lady Movie Night" ritual that consists of, yes, none other than the ulimate romantic comedy, Love Actually. But truthfully, as I'm a sucker for a lot of feel-good, sweep-me-off-the-floor kind of movies, I also have other movies that help me get the spirit of Christmas love, because, as Tom Hansen from 500 Days of Summer would put it, "It's love, it's not Santa Claus."

Please don't tell me what it is. The only movie who could pair up Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in London without making it look awkward (honestly, I don't think Roberts could work a romantic comedy without Richard Gere, but maybe it's just me) Ah, Notting Hill. I know it's not really about Christmas, and it's not even set in the winter. But it's London. It's about love. It has Hugh Grant being the clumsy bookstore guy, who's so adorable it's just impossible not to love this movie. The only downside is Julia Roberts. Not her, but her 90s fashion, that is.

Bridget Jones' Diary is probably the only movie ever made to ever understand the concept of a fairy tale. First clause: include a fat-bottomed girl who miserably leads a mediocre life in Lomdon, with a mediocre job and a chubby face (and butt, arms, technically everything). Second clause: bring Jane Austen's ridiculously perfect gentleman to life. So perfect, it seems irrelevant to real life (hint: he is). The Mr. Darcy that Jane Austen told us is almost as troubled but handsome and swooning as the Mark Darcy that Colin Firth has geniusly played, that I almost believe he is as charming as Mr. Darcy the London lawyer. Third clause: bring Hugh Grant into the equation, tell him to smirk and grin that were meant to make every ladies in the world go wild. Last but not least, let the fat-bottomed heroine run around her neighborhood in underwear, tell her to kiss her lawyer boyfriend under snowy London, and there, you have it.

Four Weddings and a Funeral is exactly the kind of romcom you would like to see in your Christmas break. I mean, come on. Hugh Grant playing the sweetest person in the history of cinema, ever. How can you not even love him? Seriously, see this movie. You wouldn't want to fall in love with anyone who's not Grant's Charles.

Yes, I noticed how my movie list is so full of Hugh Grant and, well, honestly, London. And my explanation is this: perhaps my best idea of a perfect Christmas holiday would be spent in cold and snowy London, with someone who's as good looking as Hugh Grant. That, or me attending my parents' second vow in the middle of snowy weather with Colin Firth kissing me, and Will Young singing Your Love is King playing in the background.

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