Monday, April 1, 2013


The agony of thinking that graduation is so very near is inevitable. I'm a junior in college, and no plans on extending beyond the senior year so far. Hopefully. It is only a matter of months before I had to leave all of these college attributes behind and start my baby steps toward what seems to be such a big and broad life. And it is only now, sadly, that I realized the future has left me scared shitless, with no clue or manual handbook whatsoever as to how to survive the wilderness called real life. And this article has beautifully put my thoughts about graduating in a single post. And really, like him, I'm scared. I'm so scared of a lot of things, and not to mention a little feel sorry about myself. Because it is only now that I realized I have missed so many great moments, so many big opportunities that I could've taken. It is only very recently that I found out how short my time in college is, and there will be things and opportunities that I wouldn't be able to do when I'm no longer a student. And I wondered, where have I been? Why was I always too busy doing the things that now seems so small to me? I can't say that I don't regret it, not exactly. I don't regret my choices entirely, but I have to say that, I can hear my heart whispering, "You could've done better, you know?" However, I believe that we are the results of every road we took, every choices we made, and every opportunities we didn't take. Not everyone can have the same story, the same pride, and the same experience, and that these differences shouldn't be an important matter. Life should be enough for me; for you and for everyone. Always wanting to be like someone else, always wishing your life could be different, and always regretting every chances you missed would only put you in greater agony. So here's to a life without a manual book. Here's to a life, where you could only learn to swim after they drowned you in the sea. 

1 comment:

  1. I already terrified since like half year ago. Especially because I love Japan too much. And I'll just realize, once I go back to Indonesia, I'd might never be able to come back here, and also I'll never see my colleges friends anymore since we all come from all around the world. Yes, it's called life.
