Tuesday, March 5, 2019

When My Body Won't Hold Me Anymore

I always feel like... Like everyone attending The Avett Brothers' concert are very kind, humble people. And the reason is because they are people who have been brokenhearted before, people who know pain... People who know what it's like get hurt. So when they were there together, there was only love, only kindness. Is that the case with you, too? You've been brokenhearted and in pain?

She choked. Her mind flashed back to all of the pain she has tried to suppressed while listening to the song. The very song that helped her heal.The very song that, each and every time she tried to rise above the pain that she was feeling, she listens to intensely to manipulate her brain into thinking that she has absolutely no hard feelings for anyone who has hurt her. Who has left her in deep pains. 

I have a feeling that people who like this band... They're the type of person who's addicted to listening to sad songs, you know? Like me. I listen to sad, depressing songs on a daily basis.

She stopped and watched the music video, playing on the smart tv that was hanging by the wall. She remembers the very instance when somebody she used to know showed her a playlist called Life Sucks and laughed it of... only for her to admit that almost all of those songs she actually listens to on a daily basis. Because, as she put it mildly, "Maybe because my life does suck."

The band's leading members, Seth and Scott Avett, were sitting on a chair with another man who, apparently, had had his daughter died of cancer, while singing emotionally and shot in black and white film. 

He runs his fingers gently on her legs, who were sitting on his laps, eyes locked on her face as she tries so hard to fight the urge to cry. She remembers those sombre days, walking as far as she could until her legs hurt. She thinks of the many moments when she was both sad and angry, with nothing she could do about those complicated, foreign emotions. She wonders if he could her the shoutings in her brain: I have no enemies. I have no enemies. I have no enemies. I have no enemies. I do not hate him.

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