Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For the love of my (future) UCL seniors aka Martin, Berryman, Champion and Buckland

the view from my seat

the view from my seat

God, help me breathing to write this post.

I abso-bloody-lutely still remember every minute of it. 250309, Wednesday.

Chris is, undoubtedly, Mr. Gwyneth Paltrow and I can say that Gwynnie was just sooooo fuckin lucky. The American mass media might say she's blablabla for marrying this English bloke after someone like Brad Pitt, but seriously, Chris is a lot more handsome in person!!

No, I'm not being such a smart ass because I really saw him clearly in front of me. I smelt Guy's perfume (perfume doesn't sound right for a man, but, who cares really). The mini-stage was right on my left-hand side. I don't think I spoke, neither do I think that I breathed.

What makes me write this post? Well, today during lunch break, Erin and Aya came to my class and suddenly we sang "Yellow". It makes me sing all Coldplay songs I know for the rest of the day and all of a sudden... I got the vibe back! I have seen some artists before, I saw Fergie and she was amazing, but nothing is as great as Coldplay!

Their 2-days in a row Wembley gigs is on September 19th! I wish I still stay there until then! I wanna see Chris' funny English jokes again, or Guy's superhot beard and of course, the vibe! Click here for more scoop.
Here's a glimpse of what Mr. Martin said.

Of going to sing 'The Hardest Part': "So, let me tell you. During the tour we actually have our solo moments for each of the members. sometimes it's Jon, could be Will or Guy. But for tonight, it's my turn, so, unlucky for you (laughs). Aren't you disappointed to see just me here? while the rest of the band is backstage, drinking, smoking cigarettes (laughs) texting girlfriend or sometimes wife... (laughs) Anyway, I wonder if anyone in this room has been to England, or UK, or London particularly? (YEEESSS) Because it seems like y'all understand my English accent, sorry for talking in this horrible accent all night. But you do, understand right? (YEESSSSS) Because sometimes it's hard to understand some London expressions if you haven't been there while I'm used to using it since we're in college. That will makes me feel like a twat (I don't know the correct spelling, pardon me, i'm no good in London slang) And because if you don't understand English, or if you don't speak it, that's not good. (laughs) Anyway, This is inarguably my 'Phil Collin's moment', I grew up listening to him anyway. So let's just take a relaxing breath and this is actually not the hard part. Because the next song is called 'The Hardest Part'."

At the end of 'Yellow': "Somebody please give a balloon, I need a balloon!" (then he blew out the ballon so the confetti fell right to him, very beautifully)

After singing the end of 'Violet Hill' jokingly: "Thanks for coming here just to watch Coldplay tonight. Because I don't even know where this place is on the map, it's very far from the city or where you live, it seems like in the middle of nowhere..." (laughs)

While singin 'In My Place': "...in Hong Kong, in Hong Kong..."

What makes me Coldplay the most? The fact that they went to Gower St. while I used to spend days in Gordon St. <3>

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