Sunday, November 15, 2009

Unhealthy Addiction?

I really love tea. I would choose tea over anything; milk, syrup, water, soda, coffee (well, except for Starbucks, but that's not my everyday drink. I mean, the grocery next to my house doesn't sell Starbucks) Tea also causes some major stains on my teeth that it looks black and disgusting, so I actually have to go see my dentist every month, though of course I don't. Haha.

Underwater tea party, anyone?
 My mum once told me I shouldn't drink too much tea (I have my own daily dose of tea. No less than 2 cups) because tea would make my teeth look yellow like those Brits with terrible teeth. I told her that maybe I think tea is so great just like those Brits do but she also says that I don't wanna have teeth like them. That makes sense. Hahahahaha.

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