Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scissors Sisters

summer 2009, Disneyland Hong Kong, Fireworks Display

My second sister gave me an envelope this afternoon right when I got home and said it was part of her assignment. It was a nice, mini pink envelope written in blue marker: "Dearest my little big sister". She was in the bathroom when I read it, and, what a surprise. It was a letter.

Dearest Nduti...

Hey ma' man!!!
Makasih yah udah jadi tempat sampah gue buat ngeluarin semua uneg-uneg gue. Maaf yah udah nyuruh-nyuruh elo terus. Tapi gue sayang kok sama elo. More than myself, sometimes.

Dan, be happy yeah... even when you get a headache with your math. I will always beside kok. Eng... even I would tell you that I'm not gonna miss you. You know that's a lie. And when I told you that you're a bitch, I never meant it.

Seneng deh, waktu elo tau kalo gue lagi BT atau bad mood, and you're acting silly like, "Kakaaaaaak.... lagi sedih yah?" I always laughed. Dan itu selalu bisa membuat gue gembira. elo itu kayak cookie dough di kala ngerjain tugas. emm... enak!!!

Elo itu kebanggan keluarga, ndut. Dan terlebih kebanggaan gue. Karena elo memberi gue kesempatan ngerasain punya adek yang ngebuat gue dan keluarga gue bahagia.

"Wherever you are, you will always be the one that I miss, because you are the one who makes my life worth it"
thank you honey... love you always
xoxo, your sister

I broke some tears of joy at that very second. I mean, you see, the very essence of life's happiness is in those small things like giving compliments to people, or telling them brutally honestly what you think they are instead of what you think they are not. She said that is the purpose of this assignment too, it's the secret of happiness. It works for everyone who has a heart, you know, telling them what they mean for you, because nobody was born with no purpose. What a very good education she gets in college. See, this is why I'm proud my sister is taking psychology major. I know, she had no intention to do it at first because she originally wanted to attend meds school, but you see, you can't get a "secret of happiness" letter if your sibling is majoring in medical or technology, they don't make these kind of stuffs. Some people are so proud their brothers or sisters make it to meds school, technological institutes or so on. But me, well, I don't need my sisters to be so clever. As long as they're my sisters (and sisters kinda have to love each other)I guess everything's cool.

P.S. She said she broke some tears too while writing it. hahahahaha

Thank you, sister!

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