Friday, December 4, 2015

Let's Move On

Let's talk about moving on for a second.

Moving on is a very hard thing to do. No, it is. If it's not hard for, then it never meant anything to you in the first place.

I find moving on to be quiet a challenge because, for lack of better words, I'm the kind of person who lives in the moment but tend to romanticize the past. Sometimes when I look back at something, it gives me some weird warm feelings and I'd feel like cherishing it forever to the point that I'd be thinking, "Why did I give it up?"

Sometimes my stupid self can be sabotaging my own way to the realness by simply forgetting why I did it in the first place.

You know my favorite thing to do in the world besides writing and watching smart guys do comedy? Writing thank yous. I'm good at it. Sometimes I see people tear up when they read my thank you notes. I'm good at remembering the good times I had with someone because I'm simply good at romanticizing the past.

But I guess I'm not good enough to thank people who have been acting in the way that God has chosen for me. It was as if they're angels. Some people come into your life to fuck you up, but there are also people who come into your life to represent angels that God sent to you to teach you a lesson.

So you see... I came across a bunch people who taught me things; who taught me things that I think God wants me to learn: to be humble, to be real about who and what I am as a person. I know I sound so ridiculously religious here and maybe some of you don't like it, but either way, that's the way I see it now.

And leaving these people is hard.

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