Sunday, March 29, 2009

Heartbreak Kid

Alright, so, maybe I'm supposed to write something, or at least post anything, related to my 24 hours in Hong Kong. But I don't feel that mood today, somehow I feel like I have something bothering my mind for many, many days. and it's a cons of that blissfully delighting 24 hours because I can say, it's painful.

see, I hate serious things. I dislike writing about it too, but I feel like, well I need to. so please LEAVE if you don't wanna read a sad story.

So, the night before I left for Hong Kong, I checked out Facebook and found out that A has changed his relationship status. I thought I'd cry when I hear about it, but I didn't. Seriously, NO. I was just like, get break up soon, son of a bitch.

I've been singing Jason Mraz's You and I Both for days before i know the news, especially the part ...if nothing else i'll think the bells inside/have finally found you someone else/and that's okay/cause i'll remember everything you say... In fact, true, it's okay. But still i'm one vulnerable poor little helpless girl who'd like to say that I'm happy for them but that would be a lie. Because I'm not. and I never will. Now i think will never sing that song again.

I called Nabilla right away and she said I don't have feelings for him anymore, that's why I didn't cry. and that it's just my brain that thinks I still do but in fact, no. well, I don't know... we weren't really friends, technically i never really know him, never have never will. and i finally realised that maybe it's just that i'm not really moving on... yet. For many times ahead I will always remember that he was here...

I'll get over myself real soon.

(P.S. I'll probably write or post something about HK, but I don't know. lol)

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