Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ruined Days

I recently had a very bad day.

It was Wednesday, and one of the worst Wednesdays ever.

I had a presentation about this bizarre assignment for my English class about the country Tunisia. The teacher, Ms. Duck, is a really pathetic teacher, I tell you. She’s smart, for sure. And she does her job kind of very well. I mean, she really can do (write, listen, read and speak) English, but down inside she’s just the same kind of conceited lady. For you who go to school with me must know this teacher. She’s soooooooooo annoying, isn’t she?

During classes, she really likes to talk about her experience while in the US and other countries like Japan, which is really boo-ring. I mean, it’s okay to be proud, but it’s way too exhausting to listen about the same thing every week. Might not be the same stories but still pathetic.

And then, my group has to show up.

My group is eventually a good group. I mean, we have this clever and really diligent boy, two class clowns, me and the another girl. I always know that Smart Boy has done his best for the presentation, and it was good, although I have to admit that it doesn’t fulfill Ms. Duck’s criteria of a good presentation.

I was the first person to speak, and thus she looked so boring. I was thinking, is there something wrong? Is that because I don’t remember almost all of my part? I know I supposed to remember all the lines, but it was ridiculous. There was too many numbers and I suck at saying numbers as well as English writings. Or maybe because… there was too many text?

But after the presentation and she had to make some recap, she said this one, horrible thing that maybe I deserve but maybe not.

“It’s actually a pretty presentation but you have to change the font color at the general information part because it’s disturbing, and there are still too many words that you actually can just say orally. Sayang kan jadinya, yang tadinya mau gaya jadi nggak bisa gitu lho,”


My friend said that I spoke the way Miley Cyrus would answer questions. There were too many American teenager expressions such as, ‘well, like…’ or ‘kind of’. But so what nobody blame Miley for speaking like that, why should she said I was gaya-gayaan? The way I speak or do anything is the way I want it to be, or that's probably the best I can be. I can't speak as good as Shakespeare! I suck in English, I know that. But she shouldn’t bring me down, that’s not what teachers do. So SCREW YOU, MS. DUCK!

And then this Angel, who was the audience, was seriously annoying. There were too many text on the general information part, which was my part. And she spontaneously shouted, “Copy paste!” before I even ready to read it, which I replied, “Well we respect Tunisia, that’s why we don’t cut any good information about them.” I can’t remember all the things she said during my presentation because you know what, she’s a looser in English. She’s a pathetic speaker, a terrible writer, and a not-so-good listener too. So she basically has nothing to mock about me because her presentation was very dreadful until Ms. Duck was so angry.

Oh one thing I know is she kept on following the way I pronounce some words. Like, France. I really don’t know how to say it so I say ‘frangs’. And how I don’t show the ‘t’ and ‘r’ sound in some words, she followed it too like a monkey in a kindergarten.

I know her specific hobby is hurting people. I’ve been hurt too but I’m still not immune to it.

Lastly, after a sequence of not-so-fun things, my friend told me that I have to redo my interview to 6 people for the public opinion section on school’s magazine.

The reason why my work has been denied? Because the vice principal said that it was like going against the school rules.

The questions was about the new rule about no matter how late you are, the gate is still opened for you. Or the second choice was about the new regulation that school starts at 6.30, which was still unclear at the time of interview.

I mean, it’s an opinion, why is it against the school rules? I don’t get it. And the opinions of 6 students don’t mean school has to change it anyway, it’s just an opinion, it makes people think freely, not the way school wants us to be (hello, exact answers for Bahasa exams? Ridiculous.) It’s not fair. Magazine for me is about creativity, freedom of mind and journalistic. And that means there should be no borders about what can be or can’t be put on the magazine. It’s an interesting topic anyway, we all have our own opinion about that.

Now I have to change it to stupid questions such as, “Menurut kamu *** itu apa? Pernah ngelakuinnya nggak? Kalau punya kekuatan, *** apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Alasannya?” Now that’s what school must want it to be. Stupid, dull, lame, if not rubbish.


  1. hahaha I do LOVE Ms. Duck as well, honey! be patieeeent she complained my Cyprus too, she said too many words, blabla and unfortunately I was the second group so we didn't have time to change it =__=

  2. sabar ya rien..
    wah kalau gak boleh beropini berarti menghapus salah satu hak asasi kita sebagai manusia dong? (baca: hak untuk berpendapat) ck ck ck..
    opini kan pendapat kan ya rien? suka-suka dong hahaha..
    tapi sabar yaa..

  3. we're so in the same page, until she finds out the post

  4. you do know i was going to write on instead of in

  5. istina: sweet God i was the 7th group. i know it's awkward but bringing us down ain't her job title! grrr aku kesal deh

    Maya: iya emang, school is, blegh

    prathito: she? which one? angel or duck?

  6. Ms. duck said "I'm boring" instead of "I'm bored" though. But who knows if what she meant was really the first one, eh?
